Working with Multiple Tabs inside ClickFlare

How to work with multiple tabs inside ClickFlare
Written by ClickFlare
Updated 2 years ago

If you are the kind of user who likes to work with multiple tabs simultaneously, adding landers, offers, traffic sources to your campaigns, while looking at your reports, ClickFlare has got you covered. 

From any of the menus inside ClickFlare, you can add additional ones.

As you can see from the view below, the top left corner of your view, designates your menu/ tab.  

Besides it you will find a plus button, by pressing it, a new tab will be added.

The default tab that is added is that of the Reporting Menu, but you can easily change this to any of the other menus.

You can see an example of working with multiple tabs below.

You can add as many tabs as you wish, and this method of work gives you a new level of flexibility. 

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