Conversion Upload

Uploading Conversion Manually
Written by ClickFlare
Updated 2 years ago

Conversion Upload allows you to manually upload conversions that due to any reason, occurred but weren't properly reported by the affiliate network due to technical issues, or maybe due to a misconfiguration in the conversion postback URL.

Tip: To distinguish one conversion type from another, you can add parameters, such as conversion type or transaction id to every upload.

The logic behind uploading a conversion is the same as the one of receiving a postback from an affiliate network; a valid click id is required.

Note: Make sure you are currently appending or passing the unique Click IDs to the affiliate network or monetization platform you are currently working with. 

In case you are not passing such information to the affiliate network or monetization platform, arbitrary assignment of the campaigns may lead to unreliable optimization decision-making.

Before continuing to manually upload conversions, make sure you are sending the unique Click IDs to your affiliate network. 

Uploading Conversions

To upload a conversion is fairly simple. Enter the Settings Menu, by clicking the gear icon on the top right from anywhere in the system. You'll find Conversion Upload between Custom Conversions and Integrations.

In the provided space, you can enter only one entry per line, in the following format:

click id, payout, transaction id, conversion type, timestamp

- click id - the unique click id value passed from ClickFlare to the affiliate network or monetization platform.

- payout - the corresponding revenue generated by the conversion (provided in a numerical form, say 3.9, without any additional characters).

- transaction id - the unique transaction id assigned to each tracked conversion by the affiliate network or monetization platform.

Note: Not all affiliate networks or monetization platforms provide the ability to assign a transaction ID to each conversion. Check with your network first.

- conversion type is the value used to distinguish one conversion type from another. See Custom Conversions.

- timestamp assigns the time of conversion (if not specified, the time of the upload will be used).

Note: Each of the values written, should be separated with a comma.

Once you are done, click Upload.

Conversion Upload Examples

Below you can find a few practical examples of uploading conversions.

1. Using Click ID only, without conversion revenue.


2. Using Click ID and Revenue.


3. Using Click ID, Revenue and Transaction ID.


4. Using Click ID, Revenue, Transaction ID and Conversion Type.


5. Using Click ID, Revenue, Transaction ID, Conversion Type and Timestamp.

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