Custom Conversions

Configuring event tracking in custom conversions
Written by ClickFlare
Updated 2 years ago

Conversion events represent actions users take, on your website, e-commerce or wherever you promote your products, that are critical to your business. When a user completes one of these actions, they've "converted". This can be a purchase, sign up or whatever action you think may be important. 

You want to track these actions in order to get useful insights that would help you take decisions towards optimizing and scaling your campaigns.

With the custom conversion feature you can create, as the name suggests, additional personalized events, which allow you to track and measure more specific customer actions, which will hopefully help you reach your campaign goals.

In this guide we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of setting up custom conversions inside ClickFlare.

Start by:

  1. Accessing the Settings Menu.
  2. Then click on the Custom Conversions tab.
  3. Scroll down and click on the Add button in the Available Custom Conversions section.

  4. Specify a Name for the custom conversion event. The custom conversion Name will be displayed in reports. 
  5. In the parameters section, insert one or more parameters that will be used to identify the action you want to track. Parameter names should not contain any space and should be added in separate lines, as shown in the image below.

    Let’s say you want to track people who fill a sign-up form on your website. To this purpose you create a custom event in ClickFlare called Sign up. Additionally let’s say you want to track this action or event on all of your websites: TheOptimizer, LanderLab and ClickFlare.

    You don’t have to create a separate custom conversion for each of these websites, since it is the same event, Sign up. Instead you can create a Sign up event, and add different parameters to it. One for each website that is being tracked (see image below).

  6. To include custom conversion events in the conversion column or the revenue of this custom event in the general revenue column, simply toggle on/off the switch button.

    Pro Tip: While custom conversions tracking enables you to keep track of specific events in your funnel, it is better not to include all of the events in the main conversions column.

    Quick example: While you might be focusing to optimize your campaigns for Add to Cart conversions, the main conversion that actually matters and generate revenue are Sales and Up-Sells.
  7. Once done, click on Save.

You’ll see the new integration appear under the Available Custom Conversions section.

From now on, you’ll be able to track the custom action you just created and see it on ClickFlare.

Post custom conversion back to the Traffic Source

If you want to post tracked custom conversions from ClickFlare back to the Traffic Source through API, they should appear in the Event Type dropdown menu, during integration (see image below). 

To learn more on how to post conversions, standard or custom, back to the traffic source, through API, click here.

Important Notes:

  • You can create up to 20 custom conversion events. On the other hand, you have the possibility to create for each custom event as many parameters as you wish.
  • Keep in mind that parameter names should be different from one another, even if assigned to different custom conversions.
  • Each parameter should be added in a separate line, as shown in the image of the example.
  • Remember that the name you choose for the custom event (not the parameter) is what you’ll see in Reporting, as column header. If you don’t see the custom conversion on Reporting, you’ll have to go to column’s setting and select to display the respective Custom Event. More on customizing columns here.
  • If you see the Available Custom Conversions section (see image from step 7), you’ll notice that the custom conversions have a slot number (from 1 through 20), based on the row. This is also the number of the tracking parameters they’re assigned to. The Sign Up custom conversion, created in the previous example, is in the 1st row. So in logs you’ll find this conversion under the column custom conversion 1.
*The terms “custom conversion” and “custom event”, for the sake of this explanation, refer to the same thing and are completely interchangeable.
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