About RSOC

Demystifying RSOC: Enhancing Revenue Streams through ClickFlare Integration
Written by Ervis
Updated 7 months ago

Google Related Search for Content" (RSOC) is a feature developed by Google to enhance user experience and facilitate deeper exploration of topics of interest. When users conduct a search query on Google, the search engine not only returns relevant results but also provides additional suggestions for related searches. These suggestions, known as RSOC, are displayed either at the bottom of the search results page or alongside the search results themselves.

The purpose of RSOC is to help users discover additional information or alternative perspectives on the topic they are researching. By offering related search suggestions, Google aims to assist users in finding relevant content that may align more closely with their interests or provide a broader understanding of the subject matter.

For website owners and content creators, RSOC presents an opportunity to attract more traffic to their sites. When Google displays related search suggestions that align with the content of their webpages, users may be enticed to click through to explore further. Therefore, optimizing content to align with relevant search queries and topics can potentially increase visibility and traffic from RSOC suggestions.

Overall, Google's Related Search for Content feature serves as a valuable tool for both users and content creators, facilitating efficient information discovery and enhancing the accessibility of online content.

RSOC Providers

You can obtain RSOC directly from Google (AdSense), or access it through third-party providers. The functionality remains the same, but reporting may vary slightly from Google.

The most well-known RSOC third-party providers include:

Working directly with Google offers the advantage of potentially receiving a higher share of earnings. However, tracking capabilities may be somewhat limited. It's important to consider these factors before deciding which solution to utilize.

RSOC Tracking

Unlike AFD providers, tracking for RSOC presents some challenges. Google only provides revenue data for certain dimensions such as geography, device, and channel. Consequently, it's not feasible to send a click ID and receive a revenue breakdown per click ID. This limitation complicates revenue attribution on a click level, especially for trackers like ClickFlare.

Additionally, there are restrictions on channel names. Each RSOC provider imposes limits on the number of unique channel names that can be used per day. To learn more about these limitations, consult your account manager or refer to the provider's documentation.

However, there's a solution. We've developed a system capable of attributing revenue on a click level by leveraging available breakdowns from the feed. In most cases, this includes geography, device, and channel name, although specifics may vary depending on the provider.

For detailed information on each provider's specifications, refer to the integration specifics provided by each RSOC provider we're partnered with.

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