NewsBreak as a Traffic source

A step-by-step guide on how to track NewsBreak traffic through ClickFlare
Written by Ervis
Updated 8 months ago

NewsBreak is a local news app that features its own advertising platform. This guide explains how to track traffic from NewsBreak using ClickFlare.

What you'll need for the integration:

  • An active ClickFlare account.
  • An active NewsBreak account.
  • An offer, and optionally, a landing page.
  • A creative.

With these ready, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Set Up a Campaign in ClickFlare

A. Create an Affiliate Network (Optional)

If needed, create an affiliate network element. Refer to the "Adding an Affiliate Network" guide for details.

B. Create an Offer Element

Create your offer element. Instructions are available in the "Creating an Offer" article.

C. Create a Lander Element (Optional)

If you have a landing page, create a lander element. See the "Adding a Landing Page" guide for help.

D. Create a Traffic Source Element

ClickFlare offers a preconfigured NewsBreak traffic source template, simplifying the setup:

  1. Navigate to the Traffic Sources section in ClickFlare.
  2. Click the + New button.

  3. Choose the NewsBreak template from the list.

  4. Adjust any settings in the New Traffic Source form if necessary, then click Save.

E. Create a Campaign

To create a new campaign, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Campaigns section in ClickFlare.

  2. Click the + New button.

  3. In the New Campaign form, select your Workspace.

  4. Enter a name for your campaign.
  5. From the Traffic Source dropdown, choose the NewsBreak traffic source you created.

  6. (Optional) Set a cost model.

  7. Click the Next button.
  8. (Optional) In the destination tab, select the lander you created previously from the Landers dropdown.
  9. Choose the offer you created from the Offers dropdown.

  10. Click Save.

  11. Copy the campaign URL by clicking the Copy button next to it and paste it into any text editor for later use.

Step 2: Create a Campaign in NewsBreak

  1. In NewsBreak, start a new campaign.
  2. Enter a campaign name and select your campaign objective. Click Save and Next.

  3. Set your targeting options, then click Save and Next.

  4. Configure your ad settings, paste the ClickFlare campaign URL into the Landing Page URL field, and click Save.

Step 3: Set Up Traffic Source Postback URL

  1. In NewsBreak, go to Tools > Event Management.
  2. Select Web Events and click Create/Test Web Event.

  3. Name the event, choose Conversion Event, and select Postback as the event tracking type.

  4. In the Endpoint Spec section, copy the URL. This is your Traffic Source postback URL for NewsBreak.

  5. In ClickFlare, edit the NewsBreak traffic source and paste the postback URL into the Traffic Source Postback URL field. Replace the xxxxxx with the {external_id} tracking token.

Following these steps ensures that you can effectively track your NewsBreak campaigns using ClickFlare, providing you with the data needed to optimize your advertising efforts.

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